Query: 631-660 of 4226 Results
Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
Biochemical and pharmacological studies on green tea Sunitha, T K Ramachandra Panikkar, K,
Mukkadan, J K
Biochemistry 2015
Biochemical aspects of colouring agents used in foods Swaroop, V R Vijayakumar, T Environmental science 2012
Biochemical aspects of Senile cataract Sabu George Shankar Shashidhar Biochemistry 1996
Biochemical changes in diabetic Cataract Betzy Mathew Shankar Shashidhar Biochemistry 2002
Biochemical changes in Rats fed common edible oils Sanil, R Shankar Shashidhar Biochemistry 2000
Biochemical changes of Selenium and Galactose induced cataract and anticataractogenic effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E in Albino rats Remya, V K Shankar Shashidhar Biochemistry 2006
Biochemical characterization and pharmacognostic analysis of selected members of South Indian Phytolaccaceae Elsam Joseph Avita (Sr) Botany 2010
Biochemical characterization of the grains of graminaceous weeds Philo, T J Francis, M S Botany 2010
Biochemical factors influencing Latex flow during stress, tapping frequency and stimulation in Hevea Brasiliensis Sreelatha, S Muraleedhara Kurup, G,
Vijayakumar, K R
Biochemistry 2004
Biochemical implications of food processing Yeldho, K M Babu Philip Chemistry 1996
Biochemical investigations on Cancer Sreejith, K Muraleedhara Kurup, G Biochemistry 2000
Biochemical profile during Diabetic retinopathy Sree Kumar, R Shankar Shashidhar,
Haridas, M
Biochemistry 2000
Biochemical Studies on Heracleum Candolleanum (Wight et Arn) Gamble Hemand Aravind Latha, M S Bio-chemistry 2017
Biocontrol of chilli anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum Capsici with phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas Aeruginosa isolated from chilli rhizosphere Linu M. Salim Jisha, M S Microbiology 2016
Bioconversion of Cellulose waste Mariamma Abraham Muraleedhara Kurup, G Biochemistry 1995
Bioconversion of Steroids and Alkaloids Anny Mathew Muraleedhara Kurup, G Biochemistry 1996
Biodegradation of Anionic surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) and analysis of its metabolic products Ambily, P S Jisha, M S Microbiology 2011
Biodegradation of dyes Abraham, C I Muraleedhara Kurup, G Biochemistry 2014
Biodegradation of kerosene by a microbial consortium Prathibha, V R Jisha, M S Microbiology 2012
Biodiversity and conservation of Plumbago Linn of Ranni Range, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala Asha Saji Antony, V T Botany 2017
Biodiversity and survival of indigenous ornamental fishes of Keecheri-Puzhakkal river systems of Kerala with emphasis on handling and packing stress in Etroplus Maculatus Dalie Dominic, A Inasu, N D Zoology 2015
Biodiversity and survival of indigenous ornamental fishes of kole lands of Kerala, with emphasis on handling and packing stress in etroplus suratensis Swapana Johny Inasu, N D Zoology 2020
Bioecology and Management of the pests of Jasmine Jessy Joseph Jose D. Kaippalli Zoology 2019
Biofabrication of Multiapplicative Silver and Gold Nanoparticles using Marine Macroalgae Princy, K F Anu Gopinath Chemistry 2020
Biofibre reinforced ceramic polymer composites Reenu Jacob Jayakumari Isac Physics 2018
Biogeochemical characteristics of Meenachil river System Aneyamma Varughese Sunny Kuriakose Chemistry 2010
Biohydrogen production by anaerobic fermentation of selected plant biomass using indigenous bacterial communities Jerry Mechery Sylas, V P Enviromental and atmospheric sciences 2020
Biological activities and cellular radioprotecting properties of metal/metal oxide nanoparticles bound drugs and phytoceuticals Dhanya, K C Nair, C K K Biochemistry 2013
Biological activity based on Structural aspects of some Phenolic Schiff Base Complexes Seema Varghese Muraleedharan Nair, M K Chemistry 2016
Biological effects of feeding Cuttlefish liver oil to Rats Sophia Margaret Joseph Sherief, P M ,
Rajasekharan Nair, J
Biochemistry 2008

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