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Online Theses Libraray of MG University
Title / Sections Scholar Guide Branch of Study Year
A grab bag of postmodern literary devices: the narrative strategy of Orhan Pamuk Surabhi Muthe, S Joy Jacob English language and literature 2019
Gandhi's world-view: A study Mathai, M P Chirappanath, A K Gandhian studies 1993
Gandhian approach to communalism in contemporary India John Panicker, P L Maharajan, M Gandhian studies 2001
Gandhian concept of conflict resolution Laiju Varghese Maharajan, M Gandhian studies 2011
Gandhian concept of non-violence and its relevance to Naga National Movement in India Chubawalang Jamir, T Nirmala Devi, D Gandhian studies (community) 2016
Gandhiji's philosophy of religion and it's applicability in our education Mathews T Jacob Girishkumar, T S Philosophy 2008
Gas phase intramolecular cyclisation reactions of ionized Aromatic compounds in mass spectrometry Joseph T Moolayil George, M Chemistry 2007
Gas sensing properties of doped SnO2 thin films in LPG and CO2 Radha, K K Boben Thomas Physics 2008
Gazing at the East- A Postcolonial Reading of Select Contemporary Travel Writing Sneha Elcy Jacob Asha Susan Jacob English language and literature 2020
Geetha Hiranyanteyum K R Meerayudeyum cherukathakal Mano visleshanana padanam (ഗീതാ ഹിരണ്യൻറെയും കെ. ആർ മീരയുടെയും ചെറുകഥകൾ മനോ വിശ്ളേഷണപഠനം) SHAHARBAN U H Ambika A Nair Malayalam language and literature 2022
Gender and spirituality: Archaeology of religious life in Kerala Annie, P V Rajan Gurukkal History 2006
Gender budgeting and gender equality in Kerala an analysis in terms of potentiality capability and effectivenes Nishanthi, P.U Sunil Kumar, S. Menon Economics 2018
Gender differences in attitude towards physical activity, sports orientation and locus of control of school students in Kerala Chacko Joseph Jayashree Acharya Physical education 2011
Gender differences in free play references of Pre-school children in select cultural settings of Kerala Subhash, P D Suresh, K P Education 2007
Gender differences in physical activity, Dietary practice and health risk behaviour among undergraduate college students Thankachan Mathew Manoj T I Physical education 2017
Gender dimensions of employment in Kerala- A study with reference to ICT Nirmala Padmanabhan Ajith Kumar, N Economics 2010
Gender mainstreaming: A study among Catholic Diocesan Social Service Societies in Kerala Jolly K James Mahajan P Mani Social work 2013
Gender Politics and Cultural Dynamics in the Select Novels of Lalithambika Antharjanam, Githa Hariharan, Sarah Joseph and Madhuri Banerjee Manjusha, E Nithyanantha Bhat, V English language and literature 2021
Gendered perspective on relational health perceived stress coping and athlete satisfaction among female college athletes in Kerala Jimmy Joseph Manoj, T I Physical education 2012
Generalization of Harris distribution Lovely Abraham, T Sandhya, E Statistics 2016
Generalization of Marshall-Olkin family of distributions and their applications Remya Sivadas Jose, K K Statistics 2016
Generalizations of Marshall Olkin distributions and application in industry Jiju Gillariose Lishamol Tomy Statistics 2021
Generalized confidence intervals for process capability indices Kurian, K M Sebastian George Statistics 2008
Generalized laplacian distributions and autoregressive processes Manu Mariam Thomas Jose, K K Statistics 2014
Generalized Poisson Processes and Applications Catherine Thomas Seetha Lekshmi V Statistics 2017
Generation of surplus in Plantation sector in Kerala and its appropriation - A study with reference to Rubber growers Kurian, K J Jose, R V Economics 2006
Genetic parameters and divergence in certain wild genotypes of Hevea Brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr de Juss) Muell Arg Saji T Abraham Panikkar, A O N,
George, P J
Botany 2001
Genetic studies on yield and certain yield components in the Para Rubber Tree [Hevea Brasiliensis (Willd ex Adr de Juss) Muell Arg] Thomas Sebastian Saraswathy Amma, C K Botany 2004
Genomic Analysis of endophytic bacteria with application in Plant stress management Aswathy Jayakumar 1. Radhakrishnan E K and 2. Indu C Nair Biosciences (biotechnology) 2021
Genomic characterisation of Leptospiral isolates using multiplex and arbitrarily primed Polymerase chain reaction Sheela Shankaranarayanan Kanddenkattil Varghese, T P Microbiology 2003

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